Dear Reka
Jag fick ett meddelande på Facebook:
Dear Camilla,
I'm wondering if you were the girl in Thailand last December. I was the lady with four kids in the thaiboxing arena. I was wearing the red uniform, and you showed me some great shots you took of me kicking and stuff. I've been trying to email you, but I'm not sure you got my mail. So if you are the one girl I'm looking for, please get back to me, I'd be thrilled to get those pictures!! :) Thank you very much.
Reka Vaczy
Svar: Kära Reka. Nej, det var inte jag. Jag borde ha kommit ihåg en sista minuten till Thailand där jag tydligen ska ha letat upp dig för att visa bilder av...dig. I röd uniform. I full färd med att misshandla dina fyra barn. Jag är ledsen att göra dig besviken.Dear Camilla,
I'm wondering if you were the girl in Thailand last December. I was the lady with four kids in the thaiboxing arena. I was wearing the red uniform, and you showed me some great shots you took of me kicking and stuff. I've been trying to email you, but I'm not sure you got my mail. So if you are the one girl I'm looking for, please get back to me, I'd be thrilled to get those pictures!! :) Thank you very much.
Reka Vaczy
PS. Du får inte mitt kontonummer.
Translation: Dear Reka. Fuck off.